While Tommy is sleeping, I'll catch up on various news. Our beloved TwoBaby died in January. He had been sick for several months, eating less and less. We woke up one morning and knew it was his last, so we held him until he died. We buried him next to the house, and later planted flowers there. We are now nine months later and I still miss him and his sweet nature. He was the most wonderful little friend. Whoever would have thought that you could love a little animal that much?
I have wonderful memories of Two but a really fun one was in Portugal. Tommy and I were at the Scotts' house for dinner. I can't remember if Gill and Nigel were there, too. Anyway, we were all having a laughing good time, with plenty of food and drink, and I was laughing my big laugh. All of a sudden, two small black furry things appeared: TwoBaby and his sister, who had heard me laughing and tracked us down. More laughing, of course.
There was another time in Portugal when Two stationed himself in front of the dishwasher. We had already determined that one of the hoses had been gnawed in two by an animal, so we figured Two was guarding the house and not letting the rat move. Tommy and I constructed a "rat run" from the dishwasher to the front door. Armed with brooms, we pulled the dishwasher away from the wall, and "broomed" the rat out the front door. By this time, Two was sitting on the hill across from the front door, watching his two crazy friends. He proudly did nothing to help.
Two was a bundle of love. Tommy "gave" me Two and his sister for my birthday in 1997. I promised to make the two cats outdoor cats, who would never be allowed in the house. Ha! Not only were they allowed in the house, they owned the house and us. Two went on to travel to the US, and then spend four months in the van with us, traveling to Panama. When we were in Portugal, he loved to hunt and bring home treasures but in Panama he was more of a house cat, although he loved to sit in the herb garden and smell the hummingbird plant.
I miss his warm furry body, his sitting on my lap at night, brushing him, his leg kisses, his talking, sleeping with me at night, and his greetings when we came home.
Anyway, I got Two for my birthday in 1997. This year's birthday was celebrated with Carl and Mary Ann at Zingerman's Roadhouse in Ann Arbor. Here's a photo....
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