This is really a bummer. Last October, Tommy was given the "all clear" by his Panamanian doctors. In June (at the University of Michigan Hospital) he was diagnosed with recurrent cancer, now outside the esophagus but which apparently spread from the site of the original cancer. I can now see the tumor, along his neck and collarbone.
We will re-start the testing and doctors in a week. Maybe the new CT scan will tell us how fast the tumor is growing. The radiation oncologist will tell us if he can radiate the new tumor, or if it is too dangerous. The oncologist will tell us what treatment she recommends to try to control the tumor. And Tommy will decide what he wants to do.
I should mention that Dr. Reddy, the thoracic surgeon told Tommy that the tumor is not operable, that it cannot be cured, and that he has two years to live. Well, that puts a new frame around it, doesn't it?
So that was one of the reasons we decided to go on this driving trip. Driving is a good thing for Tommy; he loves the van, the US roads and attractions, and just seeing new stuff. It is one of the situations in which he can have control. He is a fantastic driver; I am a great navigator and passenger.
So, the driving trip and seeing so many of our US friends have renewed our energy and I think we are ready to face the cancer again.
The US medical system is so different than the Portuguese and Panamanian. Seeing a doctor is only a small part of the process, whereas in Portugal and Panama, the doctors rule and I could reach them by cell phone and e-mail. In the US, the doctors are protected from too much interaction with the patients. I never knew of a "nurse practioner" before; now I do and I'm sure I'll get to love them but....
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