Friday, October 24, 2008

October 24th, 2008

We are having gardener woes. Our original gardener (liked by Barbara, despised by Tommy) decided to stop gardening and take up construction (more money). Found another gardener straight away, agreed on terms and duties, and waited for him to show up on the appointed day....nada. Found a second gardener, agreed on terms and duties, and waited for him to show up on the appointed day...nada. Now I'm getting paranoid; what's going on? A cousin of friends' gardener said he had an extra day, and would send in a crew of four to do a big tidy-up; agreed on terms and duties...well, you know what happened...nada. He did show up a week later, apologizing that he was too busy and would have his friend Sebastian come the next day; I emphasized I only wanted one guy for one day a week. Four guys showed up the next day.....My Spanish is NOT that bad! I am going to hire an interpreter to find out why this is happening, or, more accurately, not happening! Groan...

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