Monday, July 28, 2008

Me, the car and the bicycle

My mom visited for two weeks in mid-May. Since Tommy was in Panama City (and I don't drive the big black van), my mom rented a car so that she wouldn't have to walk and/or bicycle everywhere (as I do). I was the driver of the car, and found that I did enjoy driving again (this was my first Panama driving experience).

However, on the way to show my mom the Piedra Pintada, a local petroglyph, we had an accident: a bicyclist, coming towards us in our lane, smashed into the car. He wasn't hurt but he broke the windshield, smash a headlight, and scratched the car in numerous places.

Ah terrific. Someone called the El Valle police, who arrived in about 20 minutes. They confirmed that the car could not be moved, and that we had to wait for the transit police from Chame (about 50 minutes away). The El Valle police were really great, and took mom back to our house so that she could eat (she is diabetic) and wait this out in comfort.

The bicyclist was a humble man who lived a further hour away, up in the mountains. He had been on his way to pick up his daughter from school, and wasn't paying attention to things. After the accident, he did leave to go pick up his daughter. He returned with her, and she and I colored while waiting for the transit police.

FOUR HOURS later, the transit police arrived. It took them about 12 minutes to make their report, and to issue us a court date.

What a stinking way to spend a Thursday afternoon!

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