Thursday, December 6, 2007

December 6th, 2007

I made a big mistake last week, and am waiting today to see what the consequences are. The lane in front of our house is sandy/muddy and terribly pot-holed, and is becoming increasingly difficult to use because it is so rutted and muddy. Everyone here "fixes" their portion of these secondary roads by putting down loads of big stones and then sand.

I finally asked our gardener to arrange the stones and to dig the french drains, etc. etc. We agreed on a price and he was to start on Saturday and then finish up yesterday. He did start on Saturday, and then Sunday came to the house, asking for the total agreed-upon sum for the job.

I was distracted and not thinking straight, so I gave him all the money. In retrospect, I realize that he wanted the money to take his friends drinking (there was a live band in the beer hall on Saturday night; the band finished about 5 am Sunday but its audience seems to have continued celebrating all day Sunday). Well, needless to say, the gardner didn't arrive yesterday. Today is the normal day for the gardner. I wonder if he will show up, and, if he does, what the story will be. And I wonder what my reaction will be to the lie. This is a very wierd situation, isn't it? His family must hate me for enabling his drunkness.

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