Thursday, November 15, 2007

November happenings

November is a month of national holidays here. We started off with the religious holiday of Lost Souls Day on November 2, followed by Independence Day from Columbia on the 3rd, and Flag Day on the 4th. Then we had the 10th, which is the "First Cry for Freedom from Spain". Finally, we will have the 28th, which is Independence Day from Spain. How about that?

The first weekend was a major celebration. In Panama City, all major buildings were draped with huge flags, and red, white and blue bunting. Small flags were being sold everywhere. The entire country had marching band parades. Here in El Valle, our parade consisted of about ten different bands from the local schools as well as one independent band. Some of the bands included baton twillers, some included cute girls marching in complicated patterns, and others included girls dressed in polleros, the beautiful national costume. Our parade lasted almost two hours, ending at the reviewing stand near the mercado. Music continued for most of the day. And no wonder, these kids practice the entire year for these parades! (All of us can hear the practicing, at almost any hour of the day and night.)

The school kids come from very poor families. It is amazing to know that the families have to buy the uniforms, the instruments, and costumes. Imagine this on family incomes of about $300 a month.

I watched the parade while sitting at the Gourmet Coffee shop (only open on holidays and weekends). The shop has seats outside, so I enjoyed my coffee outside while watching the parade. How about that for comfort!

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