Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cement Workshop, September 2008

Franco is an artist who works in many media. He is currently using cement to make sculptures, which are magnificent and too expensive (rightly so)for my pocketbook. He was very receptive to teaching his techniques, so I organized a two-day workshop. In order to get us started quickly, Franco had cut and bent the initial armatures so that we all started off with the same shape. And then we went to work, each of the six of us creating something original and completely different from all the others. We mixed and applied cement for hours, with Franco helping each of us as needed. We were so thrilled with our creations; mine is a bust of (perhaps) a lady but it could be an American Indian. And it is heavier than shit!
Because of the success of the first workshop, others wanted to learn so I organized a second workshop. I just went to look at their creations: all of theirs are different from each other and from ours! This medium is incredible!
I need to finish my big stained glass commission (hopefully by the end of September) and then I want to try a larger, more delicate piece. Cross your fingers!

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