Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Health Update, February 13, 2008

We just learned that there was a rumor going around the Algarve, saying that Tommy had died. NO WAY! He is alive and well, and was just told by the doctors that the chemo seems to have cleared all the cancer in his esophagus and bones. He'll start radiation therapy soon: scheduled for five weeks, five days a week.

Since this radiation will be in Panama City, we are looking into a short-term apartment rental or an aparthotel. It might be fun to spend a bit more time in Panama City.

Tommy's body is starting to recover from the brutal chemo sessions. He has regained his energy, and some weight, and his hair is coming back -- black, not red! And he has eyebrows again, so he doesn't look sick. So, sorry we didn't post this good news earlier.

Take care. Kill those rumors!

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