Friday, March 7, 2008

Ah me, the joys of the bureaucracy...March 6th, 2008

Maritza and I went to Panama City yesterday, leaving at 5:30 am and returning at 9:30 pm. We went to get the license plates for the van; we failed miserably.

The import agent had not put enough information on the import papers, and the vehicle registry found it impossible to register the van without pertinent information.

This is how stupid it is: she needed to input the number of passengers. I said two, and a bit later, produced a photo to show that it was indeed a 2 passenger vehicle. Wasn't good enough; the information has to be on the import papers. There were a couple of other similar problems: for example, in the block labeled "model" the agent had put "S/N" (i.e., sin name). The vehicle registry people said this block was improperly filled in, and should have said "S/M"...sin modelo.

Even though Maritza worked her way through the supervisor ladder, we couldn't overcome the bureaucracy and rules (which are apparently rigidly enforced to try to overcome corruption). So, we trudged the papers back to the import agent and we'll see how long it takes her to correct the information; although promised for today, I'm not believing a minute of it.

Welcome to my third world!